Conference and Public Presentations

Papers may be available upon request.

Conference Papers

  • Storla, K. (2016, November). Waving the white ribbon: The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union’s fight for higher age of consent laws and the balance between surrendering to and subverting gender ideologies. National Communication Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Storla, K. (2016, May). A whisper of gender stereotypes: The second persona and gendered ideologies in Elizabeth Glaser’s and Mary Fisher’s 1992 AIDS speeches. Rhetoric Society of America Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Storla, K. (2016, May). Trigger warnings on the range of human experience in the classroom. On panel “Between and Beyond ‘Shock’ and “Aww’: Theoretical and Pedagogical Implications of Trigger Warnings Beyond Mainstream Pro-Con Debates.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Storla, K. (2015, November). Project Unbreakable as confession and struggle for recognition. National Communication Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Storla, K. (2015, November). Who stands by the bystanders?: Glorification of bystander intervention and the reinscription of violence against women in the case of Tuğçe Albayrak. On panel “One billion rising: Examining rape culture around the world.” National Communication Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Storla, K. (2015, August). Recovering rape: Sexual assault in women’s public address in the United States from 1848-1915. NCA/AFA Summer Conference on Argumentation, Alta, UT.
  • Storla, K. (2014, November). Cure for rape culture: Homeopathy, allopathy, and the construction of rape seen through a Burkean perspective. National Communication Association Conference, Chicago, IL. [Top Student Papers Award].
  • Storla, K. (2014, October). Rape as redemption?: A Burkean analysis of Scandal’s rape revelation. Midwestern Popular Culture Association, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Bloomfield, E.F. & Storla, K. (2014, July). Evolutionary arguments in the birth control debate: Casuistic shifting in conservative rhetoric. International Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Storla, K. (2014, April). “Never gonna give you up”: Project Chanology and the use of Internet memes for offline political protest. Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, Chicago, IL.

 Roundtables & Other Public Presentations

  • Poster presentation: Multi-disciplinary theoretical perspectives on the role of women in gaming. USC Annenberg Graduate Fellowship Research and Creative Project Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, 2017. With Lena Uszkoreit.
  • Facilitator/organizer: Post Election Conversations: A Discussion on Gender- and Power-Based Violence. USC Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services/Violence Outreach Intervention and Community Empowerment, 2016.
  • Workshop organizer/panelist: Diversity in the classroom: A workshop for new TAs. USC Center for Excellence in Teaching, 2016.
  • Workshop organizer: Micro-slice Teaching workshop. USC Center for Excellence in Teaching, 2016.
  • Paper presentation: Becoming/unbecoming and communicating the incommunicable experience of trauma. CPAC, 2016, Atlanta, GA
  • Presenter: Student habits and expectations of tech use in courses. CET Teaching and Learning with and without Technology (TLT) Conference, 2016.
  • Paper presentation: Superheroes, super trauma: Is trauma in superhero comics a human or superhuman experience? CPAC, 2015, Atlanta, GA.
  • Poster presentation: Trapped in trauma: Saw’s visual representation of trauma and technology. USC Annenberg Graduate Fellowship Research and Creative Project Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, 2015. With Emma Frances Bloomfield
  • Paper presentation: “She’s just one girl”: A post(modern) feminist reading of the Tomb Raider reboot. CPAC, 2014, Atlanta, GA.
  • Paper presentation: Girl gamers and gamer girls: An analysis of girl gamers’ identity enactment on Twitter using the communication theory of identity. Feminists in Games Conference at Center for Digital Media at Simon Fraser University, 2013, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
  • Paper presentation: Writing while white: Identity and representation of women and people of color in Princeless. CPAC, 2013 Atlanta, GA.
  • Paper presentation: The greatest superhero (video game) of all time: Examining successful adaptations from comic books to video games through Batman: Arkham Asylum. CPAC, 2011, Atlanta, GA.